Friday, January 8, 2010

Phriday Phun

Oh My!!  On our many road trips through the years, we have seen a fair number of weird....maybe I should politely say, non conventional, houses, the most prevalent being some variation of the  classic geodesic dome.  (I'd have quite a collection now if I'd taken photos.)  Jeff and I always point them out, laugh, and say, "Well, there's the work of another 'wet behind the ears' architect fresh out of college, who's sure he'll become the next Frank Lloyd Wright, or Save the Planet Guru!"   I think this house is in our top 10 most memorable.  It is visible from a main road just outside Sedona.  We had to stop on the road for me to snap this photo out the car window.  It is in an upscale neighborhood that I couldn't access, so this photo does NOT do justice to this 'dwelling'.  Obviously we were only one of many who have tried to get a better look, because there is a little sign that says 'private property'  and then a website to see more.  This photo shows only a small part of the many, multicolored eggs that make up this house.  As I mentioned, it is in an upscale neighborhood, so I'm sure there has been a fair amount of controversy.   Click on the following link to see the full impact, then decide what you think the neighbors are thinking??????